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Wild Days Lodge Forest Pre-school

The Core Aims of Wild Days Lodge Forest Pre-school

Support and nurture each area of a child's development

  • Provide opportunities for collaborative working - den and bridge building, pallet play and hammock construction.
  • Regular physical activities which promote balance, coordination and free movement.
  • Provide opportunities to solve problems.  Things will always go wrong and giving children the time and space to find a solution, rather than giving up, will help them to control their own emotions and behaviour and recognise others people's emotional reactions.
  • Participate in daily reflections around a campfire.  Staff and children will gather at the end of the day to share food and drink and to discuss the day's events.


Develop children's confidence, independant and resilience

  • Provide equipment that will push them out of their comfort zone.  A Ninja Slackline Obstacle Course is a mobile, instant course that can be also converted into a zipline.  This will provide age-appropriate physical challenges that build character.
  • Supply resources that will inspire and encourage imagination and creatively using sand, mud, clay, wood and crafts.
  • Allow supported risk taking - tree climbing, swinging from a rope and jumping from logs.
  • Give children the time and space to use tools independently but safely.
  • All children decide how the resources they are given will be used.
  • Provide opportunities for curiosity and discovery with magnifying glasses, binoculars and bug viewers.


  • We will sustain and enhance the natural environment, including:
  • Follow a 3 year management sustainability plan
  • Introduce native species of flora not already present
  • Attract wildlife such as birds, bugs, butterflies and bees
  • Create a shallow pond for frogs and newts to observe their life cycle